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API Endpoint

The API provides programmatic access to OneReputation data. Retrieve all your reviews, ratings, location details, data collected, and create new request.

To use this API, you need an API key. Please connect to your account to get your own API key.

Get Reviews

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-X GET \
-H 'One-Reputation-Key=your_api_key' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

To get all your reviews you need to make a GET call to the following url :

Result example :

        "review_name":"Christian Dupont",
        "review_comment":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec risus non elit hendrerit convallis. Vivamus mi orci, rutrum in pharetra quis, blandit non velit",
        "review_answer":"Suspendisse at accumsan tortor. Nam laoreet, orci id pretium dignissim, leo ligula luctus ligula, sit amet ultrices elit magna at lacus",

Request headers

Field Type Description
One-Reputation-Key String requiredYour API key
Content-Type String application/json


Field Type Description
review_id String Review unique ID
review_name String Name of the reviewer
review_photo URL Photo URL of the reviewer
review_star Integer Rating from 1 to 5
review_date Timestamp Unix timestamp of the review
review_comment String The review
review_source String The source of the review : Google, Facebook, Guest suite...
review_answer String Reply of the review
review_answer_date Timestamp Unix timestamp of the reply
function String Function of the reviewer
company String Company of the reviewer
review_photos String Several URL path of photos, separated by a comma
logo URL Logo URL address of the company's reviewer

Get Ratings

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-X GET \
-H 'One-Reputation-Key=your_api_key' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

To get your ratings you need to make a GET call to the following url :

Result example :


Request headers

Field Type Description
One-Reputation-Key String requiredYour API key
Content-Type String application/json


Field Type Description
number_reviews Integer Total number of reviews
global_rating Float Average review score
ratings Array Number of reviews by rating

Get Location

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-X GET \
-H 'One-Reputation-Key=your_api_key' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

To get your location details you need to make a GET call to the following url :

Result example :

    "name":"QUICK WEB by QUELPRO",
    "google_location_name":"Yves Mothe | Cr\u00e9ation site internet Toulouse en 1 jour avec Quick-Web",

Request headers

Field Type Description
One-Reputation-Key String requiredYour API key
Content-Type String application/json


Field Type Description
name String Name of the location
url URL URL address of the location
google_location_id String Google Location ID
google_location_name String Google Location name
google_place_id String Google Place ID
language String Language of the location
logo URL Logo URL address
short_url URL Short URL address used for the landing page
quota_sms Integer Number of text messages remaining
quota_email Integer Number of email messages remaining
last_google_scan Timestamp Unix timestamp of the last google scan

New Request

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-H 'One-Reputation-Key=your_api_key' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"name":"John Doe", "email":"", "send_by":"email","landing_page":"Google","email_subject":"", "email_message":""}'

To send a new review request you need to make a POST call to the following url :

Result example :

    "status-sms":"SMS sent",
    "status-email":"Email sent"

    "status-sms":"Request saved but SMS not sent (quota problem)",
    "status-email":"Email sent"

    "error":"Mandatory fields are required"

Request headers

Field Type Description
One-Reputation-Key String requiredYour API key
Content-Type String application/json

Query parameters

Field Type Description
name String requiredClient name
company String Client company
email String requiredClient email
mobile String requiredClient mobile
send_by String requiredMust contain : email, sms or email-sms
email_subject String requiredThe subject of the email
email_message HTML requiredThe message of the email. These variables will be automatically replaced :
%link% The link to the landing page or the social media
%5% The link for five stars rating
%4% The link for four stars rating
%3% The link for three stars rating
%2% The link for two stars rating
%1% The link for one stars rating
%date% Today's date
%first-name% First name of your client
%full-name% Full name of your client
%email% Email of your client
%company% Your company
%website% Your website
%phone% Your phone
%signature% Your signature
%reviews% Example of past reviews
%logo% Your logo
sms_message String requiredThe text of the SMS
landing_page String requiredURL address of a landing page or the name of social media : "Google"
email1 Boolean Follow-up Email after 1 day
email3 Boolean Follow-up Email after 3 days
email7 Boolean Follow-up Email after 7 days
sms1 Boolean Follow-up SMS after 1 day
sms3 Boolean Follow-up SMS after 3 days
sms7 Boolean Follow-up SMS after 7 days
display_logo Boolean Display the logo of the location
display_date Boolean Display reviews date
text_mode Boolean Send in text mode
anonymize_name Boolean Anonymize reviews names
display_reviewer_thumbnail Boolean Display reviewer thumbnail
display_source_email Boolean Display reviews source
type_photo_reviewer String Use 'photo' to display photo reviewer
Use 'letter' to display letter reviewer


Field Type Description
status-sms String SMS status of the request :
  • SMS sent
  • Request saved but SMS not sent (quota problem)
status-email String Email status of the request :
  • Email sent
  • Request saved but email not sent (quota problem)
error String Mandatory fields are required


The API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
X100 The API key provided in headers does not exist in our database.
X200 No API key found in headers.
X300 API not enabled for this location.